I like the fact he didn't chop his wife's head...phycopathy runs in the family

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No but seriously he did a lot right. He wasn't perfect. But with his childhood I think he did ok 😜

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I think Henry Tudor was a great king. Especially after the war of the Roses. I think he's very underestimated.

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Seems like such a little thing to be grateful for 🤣🫣

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Fairtheewell, I enjoyed learning more about the people around Henry VII. Especially Maximilian’s involvements. I appreciate you sharing these. Hope you’re well this week? -Thalia

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I found this so interesting! Particularly how I (not a Tudor expert!) often think he comes across in paintings as quite peaceful and passive, yet we have to remember that he must have been a fierce strategist, politician, and military leader to achieve all that he did. I'd love to hear more about his achievements: like you say, he is often overshadowed by his son and granddaughter, yet he arguably played a greater part in shaping the political stage than they did!

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Thank you for this thoughtful comment Holly! I agree, miserly, dour, boring accountant winter king is the usual narrative = Not. 👏 At. 👏 All. 👏

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Hooray for bringing out a different side of him! Can’t wait to hear more.

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